10 Habits of Great Programmers

Habits of Great Programmers

Programming is something out of this world. And programmers are the people who have evolved this thing and they have brought it in the real world of Human beings. To be great always require hard work, sacrifice and passion and when you get there, people make your life an example to achieve success in the life, and they try to follow your life. In this article, I will take a look at the habits of different programmers whose changed the world with their unprecedented hard work and code.

1. Have a Vision

Vision is the power or driving force for any work. All the best programmers had a vision for their work that how it would change the world.

2. Be Focused

Don’t open Facebook, your email and other social activities all the day. Have a time in the day when you do these things. Don’t do these type of things during productive works. Don’t get interrupted during your work time.

3. Only Do the Work that Need to be Done

Use the agile process, communicate first. Coding might not be the solution. Choose the simplest solution to the problem.

4. Don’t take Timely Setbacks on Your Heart 

Setbacks are the part of life and especially in our field where to create something new and big you have to pass through a period of struggle but you should face it with a bigger heart and broad vision. Prominent example is Steve Jobs.

5. Keep the Users in Mind

The users are the first priority, for them programmers do all the hard work, so they are always kept in mind while doing any work in the programming field.

6. Know Your Data Structure and Algorithms

Great programmers always have an excellent command on algorithms and data structure. You can use different frameworks to solve any problem over and over again if you have a good command on data structure and algorithms.

7. Spend Less to Earn More

Sometimes you would have to buy small or less important software to create something big. So, spend on these items, because if you spend PRs. 500 on buying a bitmap tool then obviously it will give you the benefit of PRs. 20000. Don’t be afraid of doing these small things, just do them to save your time.

8. Pick an editor and PWN it 

Some of the World’s greatest programmers prefer text editors to IDE’s because they find that they learn more without crutches. But, learn your keyboard shortcuts. There’s no faster way to look something than to know it.

9. Refactor Early and Often

Sometimes, you have to throw out clever code to do what’s right by the project, but that’s OK. If you have to touch code on an existing project, always leave it better than you found it.

10. Just Do it

Think small. Try to keep your working effective and try to do your work with full attention and work ethics.

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About Asad

Asad Niazi is Software Engineer , Programmer, Web Developer and a young mentor of BloggersTown and PProgramming. Asad Love to writes about Technology, Programming, Blogging and make money online.
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