Write a Code for Link List in C++. In which Provide following functionality.
1: Insert On Head
2: Insert On Tail
3: Display
4: Count
5: Remove From Head
6: Remove From Tail
7: Remove Target
Source Code
Main File.cpp
#include <iostream> #include "node.h" using namespace std; /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { node *head=NULL; double a=13; system("color 3a"); char answer; cout<<"\n\n\t************** Linked List ****************\n\n\n"; do { cout<<"Press 1 : Head Insert Number "<<endl; cout<<"Press 2 : Tail Insert Number "<<endl; cout<<"Press 3 : Display List "<<endl; cout<<"Press 4 : Count Number "<<endl; cout<<"Press 5 : Head Remove "<<endl; cout<<"Press 6 : Tail Remove "<<endl; cout<<"Press 7 : Remove Target "<<endl; cout<<"Press Q : Exit"<<endl; cout<<"\nChoice : "; cin>>answer; switch(answer) { case '1': { cout<<"\n Enter Entry to insert: "; cin>>a; list_head_insert(head,a); break; } case '2': { cout<<"\n Enter Entry to insert: "; cin>>a; list_end_insert(head,a); break; } case '3': { display(head); break; } case '4': { cout<<"\n Count = "<<count(head)<<endl; break; } case '5': { list_head_remove(head); break; } case '6': { list_end_remove(head); break; } case '7': { cout<<"\n Enter Target to Remove: "; cin>>a; remove_target(head,a); break; } default: { cout<<"\n\n Invalid Option \n\n"<<endl; break; } } system("pause"); system("cls"); }while(tolower(answer)!='q'); return 0; }
#include <cstdlib>
class node { public: typedef int value_type; node(const value_type &init_data=0, node *init_link=NULL); void set_data(const value_type &new_data) { data=new_data; } value_type get_data() const { return data; } void set_link(node *new_link) { link=new_link; } const node* get_link() const { return link; } node* get_link() { return link; } private: value_type data; node *link; }; void display(const node *head_ptr); void list_head_insert(node*& head_ptr, const node::value_type& entry); void list_end_insert(node*& head_ptr,const node::value_type& entry); void list_head_remove(node*& head_ptr); void list_end_remove(node*& head_ptr); void remove_target(node*& head_ptr, node::value_type target); int count(const node* head_ptr);
#include "node.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; node::node(const value_type &init_data, node *init_link) { data=init_data; link=init_link; } void display(const node *head_ptr) { const node *temp=head_ptr; for(;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->get_link()) { cout<<temp->get_data()<<endl; } } int count(const node *head_ptr) { const node *temp=head_ptr; int count=0; for(;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->get_link()) { count=count+1; } return count; } void list_head_insert(node *&head_ptr, const node::value_type& entry) { head_ptr = new node(entry,head_ptr); /*node *insert_ptr,*head; head=head_ptr; insert_ptr=new node; insert_ptr->set_data(entry); insert_ptr->set_link(head); head_ptr=insert_ptr;*/ } void list_end_insert(node *&head_ptr, const node::value_type& entry) { node *temp; node *insert_ptr=NULL; temp=head_ptr; while(temp->get_link()!=NULL) { temp=temp->get_link(); } insert_ptr= new node(entry); temp->set_link(insert_ptr); } void list_head_remove(node *&head_ptr) { if(head_ptr!=NULL) { node *remove_ptr = head_ptr; head_ptr = remove_ptr ->get_link(); delete remove_ptr; } } void list_end_remove(node *&head_ptr) { node *remove_ptr = head_ptr; node *previous; while(remove_ptr!=NULL) { if(remove_ptr->get_link() == NULL) { previous=remove_ptr; } remove_ptr = remove_ptr->get_link(); } previous = new node(previous->get_data(),NULL); delete remove_ptr; } void remove_target(node*& head_ptr, node::value_type target) { node *prev_ptr = head_ptr, *temp=head_ptr; while(head_ptr!=NULL) { if(head_ptr->get_data()==target) { prev_ptr = head_ptr->get_link(); break; } prev_ptr = head_ptr; head_ptr = prev_ptr -> get_link(); } delete head_ptr; head_ptr = temp; }
He uses a class for the node, but doesn't use a class for the entire linked list... good shittyprogramming!