The Cab Booking System project consist of the following functionality
Cab Booking
File Management
Customer Management
- Create a database with 5-8 customers.
- Save the information about customer like Name, location, balance etc.
- Create cab database for 4-6 vehicles.
- Create 5-8 pickup and drop locations with distance.
- Maintain the status each of cab i.e. it is available or not.
- Book the cab for customer according to the availability.
- In case of unavailability the first available cab should be booked for the customer
- that demanded first.
- Calculate fare according to the distance between pickup and drop locations.
- Charge Rs.20/km and in case of distance more than 15 kilometers give discount of 10%.
- Save the booking record for each booking.
- Maintain all text files containing cabs, customer and booking details.
- Error Handling and online Help At each level
- If some information is not present in the database, it should display proper messages.
Source Code
//********************************************************************************************************* //* PrOjEcT:- "CaB BoOkInG SyStEm" * //********************************************************************************************************* #include<iostream>//Header File #include<string>//Header File #include<fstream>//Header File #include<conio.h>//Header File #include<cctype>//Header File #include<windows.h>//Header File using namespace std; void CheckBookingRecord();//Function Prototype ofstream MYFILE; string NewWorkerName; string NewWorkerPassword; string AdminName="admin"; string AdminPassword="admin"; void BookingFromPeshawerToNowshera();//Function Prototype void BookingFromPeshawerToIslamabad();//Function Prototype void BookingFromPeshawerToMardan();//Function Prototype void BookingFromPeshawerToLahore();//Function Prototype const int Size=10; string NumberOfCab[Size]={"","215","210","456","789","123"};//initializing int CABSTATUS[Size]={1,1,1,1,1,1};//initializing int ChargesPerKm=5;//initializing int Counting=4;//initializing int count=0;//initializing int *PChargesPerKm=&ChargesPerKm;//initializing bool wrong = false;//initializing int main() { //************************************************************************************ //* DiSpLaYiNg WeLcOmE ScReEn * //************************************************************************************ int count=0; system("color 1E");//Setting The Color Of Console cout<<endl; cout<<"\t******************************\n"; cout<<"\t* Wel Come *\n"; cout<<"\t* To *\n"; cout<<"\t* Cab Booking System *\n"; cout<<"\t******************************\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"\tLoAdInG "; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"<"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<">"; Sleep(100);//For Pause cout<<"\n\n\t SuCcEsSFuL\n"; Sleep(2000);//For Pause system("CLS");//To Clear The Screen //********************************************************************************************************* //* LoGiN MeNu * //********************************************************************************************************* char Wish; string Choice; do{ system("CLS"); cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t*CaB BoOkInG SySteM*"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"*************************"<<endl; cout<<"*<1> For Login Admin *"<<endl; cout<<"*************************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"**************************"<<endl; cout<<"*<2> For Login Worker *"<<endl; cout<<"**************************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"******************"<<endl; cout<<"*<3> For Exit *"<<endl; cout<<"******************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"SElEct: "; cin>>Choice; int choice = atoi( Choice.c_str() ); switch(choice) { case 1: { string UserName;//declaration string Password;//declaration bool LoginSuccess= false; do { //************************************************************************************ //* Admin Login * //************************************************************************************ system("CLS"); cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* AdMiN LoGiN *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; Sleep(500);//For Pause cout<<"Hint:- admin\n"; cout<<"\nUserName: "; cin>>UserName; cout<<"Password: "; cin>>Password; if(UserName== AdminName && Password == AdminPassword) { cout<<"LOgin Successful \n"; LoginSuccess= true; Sleep(2000); system("CLS"); char Wish; do { system("CLS"); string Choice;//declaration cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* AdMiNiStRaTiOn *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<1> Customer Record"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<2> Cab Driver Record"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<3> Cab Status"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<4> Canceled Booking Record"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<5> Change The Rate Of Per Km Charges"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<6> New Worker Account"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<7> To Log Out"<<endl; cout<<"Select :"; cin>>Choice; int choice = atoi( Choice.c_str() ); switch(choice) { case 1: { CheckBookingRecord(); break; }//end of case 1 case 2: { system("CLS"); ifstream InFile;//creating Object to read from file char ch;//initiailzing"Registration.txt");//file open while (!InFile.eof()) { InFile.get ( ch ) ; cout << ch ; } InFile.close();//file close cout<<endl; break; }//end of case 2 case 3: { //cab Status system("CLS"); int size=6; cout<<"CAB STATUS\n"; for(int i=1;i<size;i++) { if(CABSTATUS[i] ==1) { cout<<"Cab "<<NumberOfCab[i]<<" IS FREE\n"; } else { cout<<"Cab "<<NumberOfCab[i]<<" IS NOT FREE\n"; } } break; } case 4: { system("CLS"); ifstream InFile;//creating Object to read from file char ch;//initiailzing"CancelBooking.txt");//file open while (!InFile.eof()) { InFile.get ( ch ) ; cout << ch ; } InFile.close();//file close cout<<endl; break; }//end of case 4 case 5: { char Wish; do{ //Increment and decrement On rate system("CLS"); cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* WeL CoME *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; int Charges; cout<<"Enter The Amount That You Want To Increment or Decrement On Km Per Charges :"; do { cin>>Charges; wrong =;//if type is opposite if(wrong) cout<<"Error Wrong Input\nEnter again"<<endl; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(200, '\n');//ignore upto 200 characters }while(wrong); *PChargesPerKm+=Charges; cout<<"\nThe Changes Has Been Done SuccessFully"<<endl; cout<<"Do you Want TO Change The Rate Again(Y/N): "; cin>>Wish; }while(Wish=='Y' || Wish=='y'); break; }//end of case 4 case 6: { system("CLS"); cout<<"\t WELCOME"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter The New Worker User Name: "; cin>>NewWorkerName; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter New Worker Password: "; cin>>NewWorkerPassword; cout<<endl; cout<<"The Account Has Been Made Successfully\n"; cout<<endl; cout<<"\tThank YOu"<<endl; break; } case 7: { system("CLS"); cout<<"\tFor Logout\n"; break; }//end of case 5 default: { cout<<"You Enter Wrong Choice"<<endl; break; } }//end of switch if(choice==7) { break; } cout<<"Press any key to continue...... "; Wish=getch(); }while(Wish); } else { cout<<"Incorrect User Name And Password\n" <<"Please Try Again"; Sleep(1000); } }while(!LoginSuccess); break; }//end of case 1 case 2: { string UserName=""; string Password=""; bool LoginSuccess= false; do{ system("CLS"); cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* WoRkeR LoGiN *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\nHint:- worker\n"; cout<<"UserName: "; cin>>UserName; cout<<"Password: "; cin>>Password; if(UserName== "worker" && Password == "worker" || UserName== NewWorkerName && Password == NewWorkerPassword ) { cout<<"LOgin Successful \n"; LoginSuccess= true; Sleep(2000); system("CLS"); //********************************************************************************************************* //* DiSpLaYiNg MeNu On The ScReEn * //********************************************************************************************************* char Wish; string Choice; do{ x: system("CLS"); cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* WoRkEr *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<1> Booking"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<2> cab Status "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<3> Customer Record "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<4> Update Cab Status "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<5> To LogOut "<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Select :"; cin>>Choice; int choice = atoi( Choice.c_str() ); switch(choice) { case 1: { //************************************************************************* //* BoOkInG * //************************************************************************* do{ system("CLS"); char Wish; string Choice; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* Booking *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<1> To Book Cab From Peshawer To Nowshera"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<2> To Book Cab From Peshawer To Islamabad"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<3> To Book Cab From Peshawer To Lahore"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<4> To Book Cab From Peshawer To Mardan"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"<5> To Go Back to Previous Menu"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Select :"; cin>>Choice; int choice = atoi( Choice.c_str() );//converting string to int switch(choice) { count++; case 1: { BookingFromPeshawerToNowshera();//Calling function break; } case 2: { BookingFromPeshawerToIslamabad();//Calling function break; } case 3: { BookingFromPeshawerToLahore();//Calling function break; } case 4: { BookingFromPeshawerToMardan();//Calling function break; } case 5: { goto x; } default: { cout<<"You Enter Wrong Choice\n"; } } cout<<"Do you want to continue...... "; Wish=getch(); }while(Wish); break; } case 4: { system("CLS"); string UpdatingStatus; char Wish; do{ cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<"\t* UpDating Status *"<<endl; cout<<"\t********************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter The Cab Id Number To UPdate status: "; cin>>UpdatingStatus; long int choice = atoi( UpdatingStatus.c_str() ); switch(choice) { case 215: { char Statuss; cout<<"The Cab Id Number 215 Returned Or Not(Y/N) :"; cin>>Statuss; if(toupper(Statuss=='N')) { CABSTATUS[1]=0; } else { CABSTATUS[1]=1; } break; } case 210: { char Statuss; cout<<"The Cab Id Number 210 Returned Or Not(Y/N) :"; cin>>Statuss; if(toupper(Statuss=='N')) { CABSTATUS[2]=0; } else { CABSTATUS[2]=1; } break; } case 456: { char Statuss; cout<<"The Cab Id Number 456 Returned Or Not(Y/N) :"; cin>>Statuss; if(toupper(Statuss=='N')) { CABSTATUS[3]=0; } else { CABSTATUS[3]=1; } break; } case 789: { char Statuss; cout<<"The Cab Id Number 789 Returned Or Not(Y/N) :"; cin>>Statuss; if(toupper(Statuss=='N')) { CABSTATUS[4]=0; } else { CABSTATUS[4]=1; } break; } case 123: { char Statuss; cout<<"The Cab Id Number 789 Returned Or Not(Y/N) :"; cin>>Statuss; if(toupper(Statuss=='N')) { CABSTATUS[5]=0; } else { CABSTATUS[5]=1; } break; } default: { cout<<"You Enter Wrong Choice."<<endl; } } cout<<"Do You Want To update The Another CAb Status(Y/N): "; cin>>Wish; }while(Wish=='Y' || Wish=='y'); break; }//end of case 2 case 3: { CheckBookingRecord(); break; }//end of case 3 case 2: { system("CLS"); int size=6; cout<<"CAB STATUS\n"; for(int i=1;i<size;i++) { if(CABSTATUS[i] ==1) { cout<<"Cab "<<NumberOfCab[i]<<" IS FREE\n"; } else { cout<<"Cab "<<NumberOfCab[i]<<" IS NOT FREE\n"; } } break; } case 5: { system("CLS"); cout<<"\tFor Logout\n"; break; } default: { cout<<"You Enter Wrong Choice\n"; break; } }//end of switch if(choice==5) { break; } cout<<"Press any key to continue...... "; Wish=getch(); }while(Wish); } else { cout<<"Incorrect User Name And Password\n" <<"Please Try Again"; Sleep(2000); } }while(!LoginSuccess); break; }//end of case 2 case 3: { system("CLS"); ifstream InFile;//creating object to read from file char ch;//initializing"Exit.txt");//file open while (!InFile.eof()) { InFile.get ( ch ) ; cout << ch ; } InFile.close();//file close cout<<endl; Sleep(2000); exit(0); break; }//end of case 3 default: { cout<<"You Enter Wrong Choice"<<endl; break; }//end of default }//end of Switch cout<<"Press any key to continue...... "; Wish=getch(); }while(Wish); return 0; } void BookingFromPeshawerToNowshera() { if(CABSTATUS[1]==0 && CABSTATUS[2]==0 && CABSTATUS[3]==0 && CABSTATUS[4]==0 && CABSTATUS[5]==0 ) { cout<<"All The cabs Are Book"<<endl; cout<<"We Can Not Book Cab for You"<<endl; } else { for(int i=1;i<=6;i++) { if(CABSTATUS[i]==1) { count=i; break; } } system("CLS"); ofstream MyFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File float Distance=40;//Declaration float Charges;//Initializing ofstream MYFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File string Name;//Initializing ofstream MYFILE;"CabStatus.txt",ios::app);"Customer Record.txt",ios::app);//File Open"CancelBooking.txt",ios::app);//File Open cout << "\t\tBoOkInG\n"; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"|GuIdE LiNes WhIlE FiLlInG The fOrM: |"<<endl; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"After Entering Your Name Put FullStop After Ending The NAme.\n"; cout<<"Your Must Put Fullstop at The End If You Didn't So Program \n"; cout<<"Will Not Go Further.\n"; cout << "What is your NAme : "; getline(cin,Name,'.'); Charges=Distance*ChargesPerKm - Distance*0.10;//Computing Charges cout <<"\nPick : Peshawer"; cout <<"\nDrop:Nowshera"; cout <<"\nDistance: 40Km"; cout <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges<<"\n"; char PaidCharges; cout<<"Did You PAy The Charges(Y/N) :- "; PaidCharges=getch(); if(PaidCharges =='Y') { cout<<"Cab id Num "<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You\n"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n"; MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name; MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer"; MyFile <<"\nDrop:Nowshera"; MyFile <<"\nDistance: 40Km"; MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges; MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else if(PaidCharges =='y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You\n"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Nowshera";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 40Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else { cout<<"Your Booking HAs BEen Canceled Due to Unpaid Charge. \n"; MYFile <<"\n\t\tBooking Caceled\n";//writing on file MYFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MYFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDrop:Islamabad";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDistance: 150Km";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MYFile.close();//File Close count--; } MYFILE.close(); Sleep(2000); } } void BookingFromPeshawerToIslamabad() { if(CABSTATUS[1]==0 && CABSTATUS[2]==0 && CABSTATUS[3]==0 && CABSTATUS[4]==0 && CABSTATUS[5]==0 ) { cout<<"All The cabs Are Book"<<endl; cout<<"We Can Not Book Cab for You"<<endl; } else { for(int i=0;i<=6;i++) { if(CABSTATUS[i]==1) { count=i; break; } } system("CLS"); ofstream MyFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File ofstream MYFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File float Distance=150;//Declaration float Charges;//Initializing string Name;//Initializing ofstream MYFILE;"CabStatus.txt",ios::app);"Customer Record.txt",ios::app);//File Open"CancelBooking.txt",ios::app);//File Open cout << "\t\tBoOkInG\n"; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"|GuIdE LiNes WhIlE FiLlInG The fOrM: |"<<endl; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"After Entering Your Name Put FullStop After Ending The NAme.\n"; cout<<"Your Must Put Fullstop at The End If You Didn't So Program \n"; cout<<"Will Not Go Further.\n"; cout << "What is your NAme : "; getline(cin,Name,'.'); Charges=Distance*ChargesPerKm - Distance*0.10;//Computing Charges cout <<"\nPick : Peshawer"; cout <<"\nDrop:Nowshera"; cout <<"\nDistance: 150Km"; cout <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges<<"\n"; cout<<endl; char PaidCharges; cout<<"Did You PAy The Charges(Y/N) :- "; PaidCharges=getch(); if(PaidCharges =='Y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Islamabad";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 150Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else if(PaidCharges =='y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Islamabad";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 150Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else { cout<<"Your Booking HAs BEen Canceled Due to Unpaid Charge. \n"; MYFile <<"\n\t\tBooking Caceled\n";//writing on file MYFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MYFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDrop:Islamabad";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDistance: 150Km";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file count--; MYFile.close();//File Close } MYFILE.close(); Sleep(2000); } } void BookingFromPeshawerToLahore() { if(CABSTATUS[1]==0 && CABSTATUS[2]==0 && CABSTATUS[3]==0 && CABSTATUS[4]==0 && CABSTATUS[5]==0 ) { cout<<"All The cabs Are Book"<<endl; cout<<"We Can Not Book Cab for You"<<endl; } else { for(int i=0;i<=6;i++) { if(CABSTATUS[i]==1) { count=i; break; } } system("CLS"); ofstream MyFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File float Distance=450;//Declaration float Charges;//Initializing ofstream MYFile; string Name;//Initializing ofstream MYFILE;"CabStatus.txt",ios::app);"Customer Record.txt",ios::app);//File Open"CancelBooking.txt",ios::app);//File Open cout << "\t\tBoOkInG\n"; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"|GuIdE LiNes WhIlE FiLlInG The fOrM: |"<<endl; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"After Entering Your Name Put FullStop After Ending The NAme.\n"; cout<<"Your Must Put Fullstop at The End If You Didn't So Program \n"; cout<<"Will Not Go Further.\n"; cout << "What is your NAme : "; getline(cin,Name,'.'); Charges=Distance*ChargesPerKm - Distance*0.10;//Computing Charges cout <<"\nPick : Peshawer"; cout <<"\nDrop:Lahore"; cout <<"\nDistance: 450Km"; cout <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges<<"\n"; char PaidCharges; cout<<"Did You PAy The Charges(Y/N) :- "; PaidCharges=getch(); if(PaidCharges =='Y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Lahore";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 350Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else if(PaidCharges =='y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Lahore";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 350Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else { cout<<"Your Booking HAs BEen Canceled Due to Unpaid Charge. \n"; MYFile <<"\n\t\tBooking Caceled\n";//writing on file MYFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MYFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDrop:Lahore";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDistance: 350Km";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file count--; MYFile.close();//File Close } MYFILE.close(); Sleep(2000); } } void BookingFromPeshawerToMardan() { if(CABSTATUS[1]==0 && CABSTATUS[2]==0 && CABSTATUS[3]==0 && CABSTATUS[4]==0 && CABSTATUS[5]==0 ) { cout<<"All The cabs Are Book"<<endl; cout<<"We Can Not Book Cab for You"<<endl; } else { for(int i=0;i<=6;i++) { if(CABSTATUS[i]==1) { count=i; break; } } system("CLS"); ofstream MYFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File ofstream MyFile;//Creating Object Due To Which we Write On File float Distance=35;//Declaration float Charges;//INitializing string Name;//Initializing ofstream MYFILE;"CabStatus.txt",ios::app);"Customer Record.txt",ios::app);//File oPEN"CancelBooking.txt",ios::app);//File Open cout << "\t\tBoOkInG\n"; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"|GuIdE LiNes WhIlE FiLlInG The fOrM: |"<<endl; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"After Entering Your Name Put FullStop After Ending The NAme.\n"; cout<<"Your Must Put Fullstop at The End If You Didn't So Program \n"; cout<<"Will Not Go Further.\n"; cout << "What is your NAme : "; getline(cin,Name,'.'); Charges=Distance*ChargesPerKm - Distance*0.10;//Computing Charges cout <<"\nPick : Peshawer"; cout <<"\nDrop:Mardan"; cout <<"\nDistance: 35Km"; cout <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges<<"\n"; char PaidCharges; cout<<"Did You PAy The Charges(Y/N) :- "; PaidCharges=getch(); if(PaidCharges =='Y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Mardan";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 35Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else if(PaidCharges =='y') { cout<<NumberOfCab[count]<<" is Booked For You"; cout<<"Your Booking Has Been Done\n"; MyFile <<"\n\t\tCustomer Record\n";//writing on file MyFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MyFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDrop:Mardan";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nDistance: 35Km";//writing on file MyFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MyFile.close();//File Close CABSTATUS[count]=0; Sleep(1000); } else { cout<<"Your Booking HAs BEen Canceled Due to Unpaid Charge. \n"; MYFile <<"\n\t\tBooking Caceled\n";//writing on file MYFile << "\nNAme : "<< Name;//writing on file MYFile <<"\nPick : Peshawer";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDrop:Islamabad";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nDistance: 150Km";//writing on file MYFile <<"\nCharges: Rs"<< Charges;//writing on file MYFile.close();//File Close count--; } MYFILE.close(); Sleep(2000); } } void CheckBookingRecord() { system("CLS"); ifstream InFile;//creating Object to read from file char ch;//initializing"Customer Record.txt");//file open while (!InFile.eof()) { InFile.get ( ch ) ; cout << ch ; } InFile.close();//file close cout<<endl; }
Output of the Program
![]() |
Cab Booking System Project in C++ |
can you please provide header files cctype.h and windows.h
ReplyDeleteif a user has no login id than how to sign up ?
ReplyDeletecan you please make a function of signup?
ReplyDeletecan you provide the files associated with this program, the program doesn't work well w/o them
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