Fahrenheit to Celsius Scale Conversion in C++

The Program converts temperature from Fahrenheit Scale to Celsius Scale in C++ program. The Conversion formula is Celsius scale = (Fahrenheit - 32 )*5/9 . The program will prompt to enter the temperature in Fahrenheit and then show the equal temperature in Celsius scale .

Source Code

using namespace std;
int main ()
 cout<<"\t \t \t LEP Tutorials \n \n \n ";
 float Fahrenheit,celsious;
 cout<<"  Temperature in Fahrenheit Scale      : ";
 celsious = (Fahrenheit - 32)*5/9;
 cout<<"   Temperature in Celsius Scale        : "<<celsious;
 return 0;

Output of the Program

Fahrenheit to Celsius Scale Conversion in C++

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About Asad

Asad Niazi is Software Engineer , Programmer, Web Developer and a young mentor of BloggersTown and PProgramming. Asad Love to writes about Technology, Programming, Blogging and make money online.
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