The Calculator can calculate different values like arithmetic operation, Trigonometric functions, Power function and log function of different function. The Program asked user to select his desired operation and after this calculate the output against the user input.
Source Code
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> #include<cctype> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main () { char letter; char letter1; char letter2; char letter3; char letter4; int a,b; double a1,b1; int result; double result1; cout<<"\n\n\n ***************** SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR ****************** \n\n\n"; do { cout<<"\t 1 : Arithmetic Operations \n"; cout<<"\t 2 : Trigonometric Functions \n"; cout<<"\t 3 : Logarithmic Functions \n"; cout<<"\t 4 : Power Functions \n"; cout<<"\t 5 : Exit... \n"; letter = getche(); switch(letter) { case '1': { cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"\t1 : Addition \n"; cout<<"\t2 : Subtraction \n"; cout<<"\t3 : Multipilication \n"; cout<<"\t4 : Division \n\n"; letter1 = getche(); switch(letter1) { case '1': { cout<<"\n\nEnter first number..."; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter an other number..."; cin>>b; result=a+b; cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '2': { cout<<"\n\nEnter first number..."; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter an other number..."; cin>>b; result=a-b; cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '3': { cout<<"\n\nEnter first number..."; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter an other number..."; cin>>b; result=a*b; cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '4': { cout<<"\n\nEnter first number..."; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter an other number..."; cin>>b; if(a!=0) { result=a/b; cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result<<endl; system("pause"); } break; } } // end of inner switch break; } // end of case 1 arithmatic operation case '2': { cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"\t1 : Sin function \n"; cout<<"\t2 : Cos function \n"; cout<<"\t3 : Tan function \n"; letter2=getche(); switch(letter2) { case '1': { cout<<"\n\n Enter a number..."; cin>>a1; result1=(sin(a1)); cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '2': { cout<<"\n\n Enter a number..."; cin>>a1; result1=(cos(a1)); cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '3': { cout<<"\n\n Enter a number..."; cin>>a1; result1=(tan(a1)); cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break;
}// inner switch break; }//inner case 2 trignomatic case '3': { cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"\t1 : Natural log\n"; cout<<"\t2 : log with base 10 \n"; letter3=getche(); switch(letter3) { case '1': { cout<<"\n\n Enter a number..."; cin>>a1; result1=log(a1); cout<<"\n\n Result = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '2': { cout<<"\n\n Enter a number..."; cin>>a1; result1= log10(a1); cout<<"\n\n Result = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break; } }// end of switch break; }// end of case 3 logrithmic case '4': { system("cls"); cout<<"1) Press 1 for Power \n"; cout<<"2) Press 2 for Square root \n"; cout<<"Enter your choice...."; letter4=getche(); switch(letter4) { case '1': { cout<<"\n\nEnter a number..."; cin>>a1; cout<<"Enter power..."; cin>>b1; result1=pow(a1,b1); cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break; } case '2': { cout<<"\n\nEnter a number..."; cin>>a; result1=sqrt(a); cout<<"\n\nResult = "<<result1<<endl; system("pause"); break; } }// end of switch break; }// end of case power function }// outer switch }while(letter != '5'); return 0; }
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