7 Differences Between Coder and a Programmer

Differences Between Coder and a Programmer

It has been a debate of a decade that what is the difference between a programmer and a coder? This debate has been carrying on and still some of people in our programming community consider both of these fields as the same. But I would say there is clearly a difference. Programming is creating the logic and coding is translating that logic into code.

Most of the programming students can do the coding but if you talk about programming than there are only a few. So, if you talk about programming than programming is the art to invent the code. Most of the times I see that people label the programmer as a coder. 

They misjudge , mislabel the programmers. When you tell someone that you are a programmer he would conjure up wrong ideas of robotic machines creating the coding without any feeling or emotion. I would feel sorry to say that a programmer is to a coder as a designer to a production artist. Here in this blog I would try to figure out the differences between true programmer and a true coder, hope so that you will find this article a terminator of your confusion.

1. A coder is capable of writing code at a production level. Meaning, they have a solid understanding of the language but they are instructed to do the job that what is needed to be accomplished and then implement, debug, test and QA. They are given the responsibilities solely related with the execution.As a programmer you deal with so much more. Writing code is only a portion of the duties of a programmer.

2. Being a programmer means that actively thinking about the abstract solutions to the problems before you are even touching code. A programmer has a big thinking, he has the technical ability and skill to supervise the whole project for its successful completion. A coder lacks this vision, he lacks the ability and capability that is incorporated in a programmer for handling huge tasks. A programmer has the edge when it comes to the vision and thinking big.

3. Programmers are well aware of the technical specifications and terms. Coders on the other hand have a very little knowledge about the technical specifications and terms, they don't know the reasoning behind the code.

4. If we talk about the code quality than obviously there would be a clear difference. Coders know to write a code but they don't know how to code well. Programmers focus on that aspect of the work while coders don't.

5. Whenever there comes a problem, then programmers are taught to deal with these conditions. Coders can do a bit but they can't share the status of programmers in that case.

6. A stage comes when a programmer gains the role of a project manager or team leader in the project but a coder would never be able to reach that milestone because of his limited thinking and vision.

7. A true programmer would not indulge himself in activities which are morally and ethically wrong. A coder on the other hand could be involved in hacking, virus making and so many illegal cyber activities and this is I think one of the basic difference between the two type of guys.

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About Asad

Asad Niazi is Software Engineer , Programmer, Web Developer and a young mentor of BloggersTown and PProgramming. Asad Love to writes about Technology, Programming, Blogging and make money online.
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